The importance of Energy Storages System (ESS)
without a doubt is started to compete for the importance of
Renewable Energy System (RES) nowadays and in the near
future. ESS such as grid-scale batteries has the advantage of
storing energy and provides many other services and
functionalities to the power system. This paper investigates the
effect of installing Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on
grid level transmission system to support fast Inertial Frequency
Response (IR). Details of the BESS modeling are presented in this
paper. The main contribution is to demonstrate that inertial
response provided by BESS can create change to the Rate of
Change of Frequency (ROCOF), providing frequency support
and improving the system frequency response. A simple test
system is used to investigate the effect of the inertial controller in
BESS to support the system frequency response. Many time
domain simulation tests using DIgSILENT PowerFactory are
carried out to evaluate the effect of installing BESS with inertial
response enabled. The time-domain simulations are conducted to
demonstrate the system frequency responses considering: (i) gain
of the inertial controller (ii) different sizes of disturbances, (iii)
system robustness.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
EEE Power & Energy Society (PES) sponsored International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON)
ALHEJAJ, S.M. and GONZALEZ-LONGATT, F.M., 2016. Investigation on grid-scale BESS providing inertial response support. IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) sponsored International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON), Wollongong, NSW, Australia, September 28th – October 1st 2016
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