posted on 2012-07-25, 12:19authored byMashanum Osman, Paul Chung
This paper describes a study that has been carried out to examine the effect and use of
mobile and communication technologies for learning English, which is a second
language in the Malaysian context. Two of the main objectives of this study are to
design learning activities that involve the use of mobile and communication
technologies that would help improve students’ communication and collaboration
skills in group activities and to evaluate the effects of using these technologies in the
learning process. The study uses the quasi experimental approach to gather data and
obtain feedback from a sample of first year undergraduate students in a public
Malaysian university. The instruments used in this student include pre and post
questionnaires, pre and post writing tests, texting, and updating learning activities
using wiki. Learning activities were designed which include participants’ use of their
mobile phones for texting and the use of computer to collaborate in a group using the
wiki software. Participants received text messages at regular intervals and were
expected to reply to some of those messages that were quizzes. The messages were of
six different types which are update reminder, lesson reminder, general quiz, topic
quiz, grammar quiz and resources. A wiki website was also set up for the participants
to collaborate with members in their group by updating the relevant lessons. The
study concludes that the use of mobile phones with suitable learning activities is
favoured and it helps improve the participants’ learning experience. On the other hand
Malaysians are not well acquainted with wiki technologies and its use has a negative
effect on their learning experience.
Computer Science
OSMAN, M. and CHUNG, P.W.H., 2011. Language learning using texting and wiki: a Malaysian context. IN: Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education and e-Technology, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, 18 - 20 January, pp. 1888 - 1903
e-CASE and e-Tech
VoR (Version of Record)
Publication date
This is a conference paper presented at the 2011 e-CASE and e-Tech International Conference,
January 18-20, 2011, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan. The conference website is at: