In an attempt to obtain information concerning the Design and Technology Capability of the main feeder
Primary Schools to a large Comprehensive School, an Audit/Questionnaire was compiled and used.
This took the form of lists of items (of both a curricular and logistical nature) involved in the teaching of
Design and Technology. The Audit/Questionnaire was completed for each Junior School by a member
of the school and the Technology Co-ordinator from the Comprehensive School. This person also
produced a variety of summary sheets concerning a number of Technological aspects from all of the
Junior Schools involved in the survey. Such an exercise has proved to be useful (and it is hoped
increasingly so) in the task of planning a Technology Curriculum within the National Curriculum
framework for Technology from five to sixteen.
Research Unit
IDATER Archive
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PEARSON, F., 1990. Liaison audit/questionnaire for national curriculum in design and technology between primary and secondary school. DATER 1990 Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University