The ability to accurately pinpoint with a high degree of accuracy the occurrence of the stop-band property in the
newly engineered EBG materials is fundamental to their establishment. Measurement methods capable of
achieving this have been proposed in literature but require intricate adjustments to suit particular requirements.
In this paper we report on a repeatable measurement technique for characterising the bandgap properties of EBG
structures using an air spaced microstrip line. The device constructed is simple, economical, robust and capable
of quantifying the properties of a wide range of EBG materials. A tapered microstrip line transition is used to
match a 50 coaxial port. Simulation and measurement results using a Polar-EBG are presented to show the
versatility of the proposed technique. In addition to this we demonstrate that by changing the orientation of the
surface under test (SUT), transverse electric surface wave measurements can be carried out. This apparatus and
measurement technique is particularly applicable to fabric based EBG materials where measurements are
especially challenging.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
MULENGA, C.B. ... et al., 2008. Measurement techniques for polar electromagnetic bandgap structures using an air spaced microstrip line. IN: Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC 2008), Loughborough, 17-18 March, pp. 341-344.