Micro-expression (ME) recognition is an effective
method to detect lies and other subtle human emotions. Machine
learning-based and deep learning-based models have achieved
remarkable results recently. However, these models are
vulnerable to overfitting issue due to the scarcity of ME video clips.
These videos are much harder to collect and annotate than normal
expression video clips, thus limiting the recognition performance
improvement. To address this issue, we propose a microexpression video clip synthesis method based on spatial-temporal
statistical and motion intensity evaluation in this paper. In our
proposed scheme, we establish a micro-expression spatial and
temporal statistical model (MSTSM) by analyzing the dynamic
characteristics of micro-expressions and deploy this model to
provide the rules for micro-expressions video synthesis. In
addition, we design a motion intensity evaluation function (MIEF)
to ensure that the intensity of facial expression in the synthesized
video clips is consistent with those in real -ME. Finally, facial video
clips with MEs of new subjects can be generated by deploying the
MIEF together with the widely-used 3D facial morphable model
and the rules provided by the MSTSM. The experimental results
have demonstrated that the accuracy of micro-expression
recognition can be effectively improved by adding the synthesized
video clips generated by our proposed method.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (61602527)
Hunan Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2017JJ3416, 2018JJ2548, 2020JJ4746)
Computer Science
Published in
2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
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