In the current economic downturn and fierce competition in the construction industry, enhancing performance and efficiency of workforce has become a more significant issue. Organisations begin to realise the potential benefits of motivating both site and office-based staff. Literature suggests the importance of motivating workforce, but anecdotal evidence indicates strategies for motivating staff have not been sufficiently implemented in construction, and only resides on the remit of human resource departments. Based on a review of literature, motivating factors relevant to those working in the construction industry have been identified and categorised into 4 main groups, namely drive, goals, relationship and incentives. They were then used in a questionnaire survey of site and office-based construction staff. Few interviews were used to gain some insight of the motivating factors. Despite a general recognition that motivating factors may be unique to each individuals, the findings suggest a tendency that non-financial factors are becoming more important, alongside financial ones. In the current economic crisis, it is recommended that managers may use a combination of non-financial factors appropriately to retain the best staff in the companies. Further research will analyse the responses according to respondent groups, which will be supplemented by further interviews to gain insight from those particular groups.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Published in
Third International World of Construction Project Management Conference
292 - 300 (9)
WOO, C.H. and SOETANTO, R., 2010. Motivating factors in UK construction projects. IN: Soetanto, R. and Davies, J.W. (eds). Proceedings of the Third International World of Construction Project Management Conference, Coventry University, 20-22 October 2010, pp. 292 - 300.
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