posted on 2010-06-03, 08:23authored byMohan B.R. Jayawardene, R. Dickie, James FlintJames Flint, J. C. Vardaxoglou, R. Cahill, H.S. Gamble, V.F. Fusco, N. Grant
This paper describes the design ofa low loss quasi-optical beam splitter, which is required to
provide efficient diplexing of the bands 316.5-325.5 GHz and 349.5-358.5 GHz with at least
20dB ofisolation. To minimise the filter insertion loss, a Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS)
that consists offreestanding resonant shorted ring elements is proposed. In addition, to
achieve the stringent isolation a two layer FSS structure is required. Two commercial
electromagnetic modelling tools, a time domain Finite Integral Method (FIT) and a Finite
Element Method (FEM) solver are used to obtain the specified transmission response. The FIT
solver was used to generate fast design information at normal incidence while the FEM was
only used to obtain the final design of the FSS at 45 ° due to its substantially increased run
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
JAYAWARDENE, M. al, 2005. Multilayer aperture ring frequency selective surface modelling. IN: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Volume 4A, 2005 Digest, July 3-8, 2005, Washington D.C., pp. 392-395.