Mode I and II interfacial fracture toughness are important design parameters in the application of layered materials and thin films. By taking a straight blister in thin films as a mechanical device a theoretical study shows that their ratios are in the range of 0 < GIIc/GIc ≤ 36 and 0 < KIIc KIc ≤ 6, in terms of energy release rate (ERR) and stress intensity factor (SIF), respectively. For most materials they are in the range of 1 ≤ 𝐺𝐺IIc/𝐺𝐺Ic ≤ 13.1153 and 1 ≤ KIIc/KIc ≤ 3.6215, respectively. By examining extensive experimental results in open literature no violation is found.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Engineering Applications (AMEA 2022)