This paper considers PD attitude control of magnetically actuated satellites where one axis of inertia is considerably
lower than that of the other two. The classic ‘torque-projection’ method of implementing the control is unsuitable for
this configuration as the nature of the torque projection controller places little significance on the low inertia axis. This
paper proposes a modification to the PD approach by determining the dipole moments through minimisation of a
performance index rather than projection onto the magnetic field orthogonal. This allows fairer consideration of the low
inertia axis and leads to improved performance of the feedback control. This approach is taken further by introducing an
element of feed-forward control to improve the disturbance rejection properties of the system. In a similar way the
required feed-forward compensation is determined through minimisation of an appropriate performance index.
Combination of the feed-forward and feedback control successfully regulates the satellite attitude when assessed using a
high fidelity simulation model. Overall this paper presents a systematic approach to the design of an effective and easy
to implement attitude control system for a satellite with an uneven inertia distribution.
Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
WOOD, M. and CHEN, W.-H., 2008. PD control of magnetically actuated satellites with uneven inertia distribution. 7th International ESA Conference on Guidance, Navigation & Control Systems (GNC 2008) 2-5 June, Tralee, County Kerry, Ireland
NA (Not Applicable or Unknown)
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This is a conference paper. Details of the conference are available at: