Modern system-identification methodologies use artificial neural nets, integer linear programming, genetic algorithms, and swarm intelligence to discover system models. Pairing genetic programming, a variation of genetic algorithms, with Petri nets seems to offer an attractive, alternative means to discover system behaviour and structure. Yet to date, very little work has examined this pairing of technologies. Petri nets provide a grey-box model of the system, which is useful for verifying system behaviour and interpreting the meaning of operational data.
Genetic programming promises a simple yet robust tool to search the space of candidate systems. Genetic programming is inherently highly parallel. This paper describes early experiences with genetic programming of Petri nets to discover the best interpretation of operational data. The systems studied are serial production lines with buffers.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
International Conference on Manufacturing Research
DENNO, P., DICKERSON, C.E. and HARDING, J.A., 2017. Production system identification with genetic programming. IN: Gao, J., El Souri, M. and Keates, C. (eds). Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXI, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2017), London, UK, 5-7 September 2017, pp.227-232.
IOS Press
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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