Loughborough University

Quasiclassical calculation of spontaneous current in restricted geometries

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conference contribution
posted on 2015-12-16, 14:33 authored by M.H.S. Amin, M. Coury, Alexandre ZagoskinAlexandre Zagoskin, S.N. Rashkeev, A.N. Omelyanchouk
Calculation of current and order parameter distribution in inhomogeneous superconductors is often based on a self-consistent solution of Eilenberger equations for quasiclassical Green's functions. Compared to the original Gorkov equations, the problem is much simplified due to the fact that the values of Green's functions at a given point are connected to the bulk ones at infinity (boundary values) by ``dragging'' along the classical trajectories of quasiparticles. In finite size systems, where classical trajectories undergo multiple reflections from surfaces and interfaces, the usefulness of the approach is no longer obvious, since there is no simple criterion to determine what boundary value a trajectory corresponds to, and whether it reaches infinity at all. Here, we demonstrate the modification of the approach based on the Schophol-Maki transformation, which provides the basis for stable numerical calculations in 2D. We apply it to two examples: generation of spontaneous currents and magnetic moments in isolated islands of d-wave superconductor with subdominant order-parameters s and d_{xy}, and in a grain boundary junction between two arbitrarily oriented d-wave superconductors. Both examples are relevant to the discussion of time-reversal symmetry breaking in unconventional superconductors, as well as for application in quantum computing.



  • Science


  • Physics


AMIN, M.H.S. ... et al., 2002. Quasiclassical calculation of spontaneous current in restricted geometries. Presented at Toward the Controllable Quantum States, International Symposium on Mesoscopic Superconductivity and Spintronics (MS+S2002), Kanagawa, Japan, 4-6th Mar.


© World Scientific Publishing


  • SMUR (Submitted Manuscript Under Review)

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Quasiclassical calculation of spontaneous current in restricted geometries by AMIN, M.H.S. ... et al., Copyright @ 2015. with permission from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.


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