posted on 2009-09-30, 13:52authored byNathan Crilly
This paper promotes the use of scholarly approaches to design research,
especially the practice of reading across disciplinary boundaries. By
examining three completed projects, the benefits of interdisciplinary
scholarship will be demonstrated along with a discussion of how the
literature review process can be treated as a qualitative research project
in its own right.
The Arts, English and Drama
Research Unit
Interrogations Conference Papers
CRILLY, N., 2009. Reading across boundaries: interdisciplinary scholarship in design research. IN: Interrogations: Creative Interdisciplinarity in Art and Design Research: Proceedings of AHRC Postgraduate Conference 2009, pp. 3-12.
This paper was presented at the Interrogations Creative Interdisciplinarity in Art and Design Research AHRC Postgraduate Conference, Loughborough University, 1st-2nd July 2009: