In the last decade, fault tolerant controls (FTC) have enjoyed tremendous success to effectively accommodate defects in sensors, actuators, or plants. However, little of them considered what should be done once a control system performance is degraded during the operation. The aim of this paper is to maintain the performance of a control system at an acceptable level based on a pre-defined reference model. A maintenance approach is proposed and experimented in this paper. The method is to insert a compensator into the faulty control system and make the compensator and the faulty open loop system working together to track the pre-defined reference model. The proposed method is illustrated by reference to a mini process rig and shows the potential to industrial processes.
Computer Science
DAI, C. ... et al, 2007. Reference model based maintenance of control system performance for industrial processes. IN: Proceedings, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, London, UK, 2007, pp. 76-80.