posted on 2018-02-12, 15:09authored byA.K. Ibrahim
Bangladesh achieved considerable progress in rural water supply since its independence in 1971. More than 97 percent of
rural people have access to safe water within 150 meters. This scenario, in comparison to many other developing countries
is excellent. The main source of safe water is ground water aquifer. At present, the average number of households per tube
well varies from 2 to 5 (NAMIC, 2003 and 2004). This estimates considers both public and private tubewells. The number
of private tube wells is a few times that of public tube wells indicating that the private sector plays a commendable role.
The presence of arsenic in ground water overshadowed this success. The problem of arsenic contamination has become a
matter of serious concern. It is estimated that about 29 million people are potentially at risk (Ahmed and Ahmed, 2002).
Analysis of data on screening of tube wells shows that there are many villages where almost all water sources are arsenic
contaminated. About 8000 villages have been found where arsenic contamination rate is 80% or more. It is an urgent need
to provide safe water sources to those villages. Dug well, deep hand pump tube well, pond sand filter and rainwater harvesters
are considered as alternative options for providing safe water. Arsenic removal technologies are also considered to
treat arsenic contaminated water. All these alternative options are site specific and have some limitations. These alternative
options cannot be considered absolute solutions. Removal technologies have also some limitations.Under such situation
piped water supply using surface water or safe ground water in rural Bangladesh may be considered as long-term solution.
Both government organizations and NGOs are now piloting more than 100 piped water supply schemes in the country. In
this article, the author will try to explain prevailing situation in rural piped water systems and its prospect.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Research Unit
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
Published in
WEDC Conference
IBRAHIM, A.K., 2004. Rural piped water supply in Bangladesh: myth or reality. IN: Godfrey, S. (ed). People-centred approaches to water and environmental sanitation: Proceedings of the 30th WEDC International Conference, Vientiane, Laos, 25-29 October 2004, pp. 570-573.
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