Visualising and preparing for the future is a central activity for firms, other
institutions, governments and individuals, and future studies has become a significant
area of interest and study. The methodological approach developed for a large project
– ‘Sustained competitiveness in UK construction’ or ‘the Big Ideas’ for short –
investigating the possible implications of different potential futures for the
construction sector is outlined, and several key methodological principles discussed.
These include a commitment to producing a diverse range of possible future
scenarios, and maintaining a strong connection between these potential futures and
the contemporary practices and abilities of construction firms and practitioners. An
example scenario is presented and discussed, and the development of the approach on
the project considered.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
HARTY, C.F. ... et al, 2006. Scenario development: a methodology for aligning contemporary practices with the potential futures of UK construction. IN: Boyd, D.E. (ed.) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ARCOM Conference, Birmingham, UK, 4 - 6th September 2006, pp. 601-610.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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