Ability to understand the future holds the key to sustained competitive advantage.
The key question is how to embed this ability into the strategic management skill-sets
of companies using appropriate tools, techniques and processes, and involving the
appropriate stakeholders. Futures methodology literature suggests that scenario
planning is a powerful technique for looking at the future that is rarely used in
construction. An implementation framework for company scenario planning is
proposed derived from relevant parts of the literature and evolved through a series of
interactions with industry. The framework emphasises that the awareness of external
factors and industry scenarios, and the extent of stakeholder engagement throughout
the process will determine the overall efficacy of scenario planning. Benefits will
accrue from having a common understanding of alternative futures by explicitly
capturing perceived future events, drivers and pathways in scenario mapping
exercises. This should place companies in a better position to navigate their future
and deal with potential threats and opportunities.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
SOETANTO, R. ... et al, 2007. Scenario planning for construction companies. IN: Hughes, W. (ed.). CME 2005 Conference: Proceedings of the Inaugural Construction Management and Economics ‘Past, Present and Future’ conference: 16th-18th July 2007, University of Reading, UK.