Service design approach to the annual degree programme review practices
This research paper addresses the challenge faced across the education sector of how to design, organise and maintain a quality educational experience in HE. The findings are based on a two-year research project in Lancaster University followed by a 10 months investigation in four other UK Universities. The paper shows how applying service design approach to programme review empowers student voice and creates a conduit to incorporate more empathetic and human-centered view of student experience. Service design has been successfully adapted from commercial setting to the improvements of public sector, including patient experience in the NHS and to enhance citizen engagement with services. The paper provides a critical review of the suitability and adaptability of serviced design to the HE context and it reflects on its benefits as well as challenges connected with the problematised framing of HE as a service sector.
- Loughborough University London
Learning, Teaching & Student Experience (LTSE 2020)Version
- AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Acceptance date
- en