A decarbonized society involves people living and
working in low-energy and low-emission buildings. An a smart
multi-Terminal DC μ-grids interconnecting several autonomous
zero-net energy buildings allow the transition to a decarbonized
economy, however, involves several challenges. This paper
describes the interactions between the intrinsic concepts related
to development of a smart multi-terminal DC μ-grids for
autonomous zero-net energy buildings. Each individual concept
provides several advantages but also create several colliding
restrictions with other, this paper connects all concepts together
considering interactions in other to maximize the total benefit.
Also, discussions about the feasibility and impact of the
individual concepts on the whole interaction are included.
This work was supported in part by British Council under the UKIERI,
under grant DST/INT/UK/P-61/2014.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Research Unit
Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST)
Published in
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies 2015 Asian Conference (ISGT Asia 2015)
GONZALEZ-LONGATT, F.M., RAJPUROHIT, B.S. and SINGH, S.N., 2015. Smart multi-terminal DC μ-grids for autonomous zero-net energy buildings: implicit concepts. IN: Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT ASIA), Bangkok, Thailand, 3rd-6th November 2015.
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