posted on 2009-08-05, 11:31authored byMalcolm Welch, David Barlex
This paper reports on the conversations between focal pupils
(two boys aged 13 years), as they collaborated in the designing
and making of a statue of a fierce creature that would be used
to deter intruders from their classroom. This dialogue is
analysed from two perspectives: (a) that of exploratory talk
(Barnes & Todd, 1977) and (b) dialogic talk (Alexander, 2004).
The analysis revealed that the pupils (a) made design decisions
concurrently with making, (b) did not, for the most part, engage
in exploratory talk, and (c) did engage in dialogue. The analysis
also revealed the designerly nature of the talk that did take
place and raises some questions as to the purpose of pupil talk
during designing and making. The paper concludes with some
suggestions for further questions to investigate with regard to
the purpose and nature of talk in design & technology lessons.
Research Unit
D&T Association Conference Series
WELCH, M. and BARLEX, D., 2009. So we’re going to have this huge spike here? Pupils’ talk while designing and making. IN: Norman, E. and Spendlove, D. (eds). The Design and Technology Association International Research Conference 2009. [Loughborough University, 30 June - 2nd July]. Wellesbourne : The Design and Technology Association, pp. 103-109