An analytical study of heterogeneous substrates
created by including small particles arranged in a cubic lattice
within a host medium is presented in this paper. Rapid advances
in nanomaterial fabrication techniques will allow in the near
future, heterogeneous samples to be created with nano or microsized
inclusions, and this paper investigates the electromagnetic
(EM) properties of these structures. Analytical equations by
various authors for the effective permittivity and permeability of
such artificial materials have been analysed and compared over
microwave frequencies. The particle size, spacing and frequency
were examined individually to understand their role in
determining the effective EM parameters of the heterogeneous
mixture. Furthermore, results from FDTD simulations with
micro-sized cuboids were processed using an inverse scattering
algorithm to obtain the effective permittivity and permeability of
these heterogenous structures using a complimentary technique.
The canonical formulations showed reasonable agreement with
the EM simulations and the two methods can be used to design
novel dielectric substrates.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
NJOKU, C.C., WHITTOW, W.G. and VARDAXOGLOU, Y.C., 2011. Study on the variation in dielectric properties of heterogeneous substrates composed of nanomaterials. IN: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP 2011), Rome, Italy, 11-15 April, pp. 488 - 492.
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