posted on 2018-02-12, 15:10authored byR.E. Daffi, P.R. Kassam
Surface water has been employed for different purposes without consideration of its quality and suitability. Solid waste disposal practices in most urban centres have negatively impacted on surface water quality. It is common practice for inhabitants to dispose their wastes in rivers and streams within populated areas of cities. Jos City, in North Central Nigeria, as a fast growing urban centre, has experienced environmental pollution as a result of these practices. This paper is aimed at assessing the impact of solid waste disposal practices on surface water. A general survey of the area was carried out to assess methods of solid waste disposal. Some properties of surface water at three locations of solid waste disposal were assessed. The results showed that the water tested are contaminated. Recommendations include enlightenment of residents on the dangers of dumping solid waste into streams and provision of solid waste collectors at such places.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Research Unit
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
Published in
WEDC Conference
DAFFI, R.E. and KASSAM, P.R., 2013. Surface water pollution in Nigerian urban areas: a close look at Jos city and its surroundings. IN: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Delivering water, sanitation and hygiene services in an uncertain environment: Proceedings of the 36th WEDC International Conference, Nakuru, Kenya, 1-5 July 2013, 4pp.
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