This paper makes the case for applying a systems perspective to the analysis of
hospital-based infection outbreaks. Most of the research that has been
conducted on behavioural aspects of infection control has focused on
explanations at an individual level of analysis (e.g., interventions to improve
hand washing). The infections outbreaks at the Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells
NHS Trust are analysed in detail using an established framework for risk
management. The paper further outlines the human and organisational issues
raised by the analysis and provides a means through which these aspects of
infection can be highlighted as part of a future research agenda within systems
WATERSON, P.E., 2009. System analysis for infection control in acute hospitals. IN: Bust, P.D. (ed.). Contemporary Ergonomics 2009. Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Ergonomics 2009. London: Taylor and Francis.