posted on 2006-05-08, 09:37authored byM. Veveris, S. Goodall
This paper explores the ways in which a product design student's idea for an innovative new product, with considered real commercial potential, was taken to manufacturing industry. It is based on a student concept for an innovative adjustable hairbrush design that has been developed and submitted to relevant industries for their consideration. The idea has now been both patented and exclusively licensed to a company, Albyn of Stonehaven Ltd, for manufacture and sales of the product.
The areas reviewed and discussed in detail are concept development to a standard for both industrial presentation and Patent application, concept presentation with a view to licensing the product and the progression of discussions and negotiations for a licence agreement.
More importantly, the impact of all of these areas in terms of both the tutor and student learning experience is reviewed. The particular benefits that can be derived are critically evaluated, with a view to demonstrating how these benefits are not just applicable to these two parties, but also how they can be integrated as an improvement to the course of study as a whole.
Research Unit
IDATER Archive
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VEVERIS and GOODALL, 1996. Taking a student's product concept idea to manufacturing industry - a case study of the learning experience for both tutor and student. IDATER 1996 Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University