posted on 2007-10-18, 11:37authored byChristine Turner, John Kennedy
How often do you perform a chemistry demonstration in a fume cupboard? For science
teachers, the response is ‘almost every day’. Now answer this: How often are you sure
that every student in the class can see the demonstration clearly? For most science
teachers, the reply changes to ‘almost never’. With many class sizes in secondary
schools approaching the thirty mark, it is not surprising that demonstrating a chemical
reaction effectively can be problematical, with many students not being able to get close
enough to see what is occurring.
It is in this area that ICT can enhance lessons, particularly when it enables students to
‘see’ something that they would not be able to observe by just carrying out the practical.
The animation that ICT can provide links the physical changes students observe with
the chemistry theory and can give students a better understanding of what occurs
during a reaction. ICT also ensures high-quality images and a far more dynamic
presentation of the processes than has been previously possible. The user has total
control over the images shown and is able to go back to the video clips or pictures to
check their own understanding, or clarify a point, all at their own pace.
With the above in mind, we aimed to create a virtual experiment to show students a
reaction that they would otherwise be unable to easily observe as a demonstration in
the laboratory fume cupboard or complete themselves as a class practical due to the
hazards and expense of the materials used.
Research Unit
IDATER Archive
TURNER, C. and KENNEDY, J., 2007. The catalytic oxidation of ammonia : an interactive web-based virtual experiment and teaching and learning resource. IN: E-learning in Science and Design and Technology : Proceedings of IDATER On-line Conference 2005 - 2006. Loughborough : Loughborough University, pp. 168-176