posted on 2013-02-11, 09:08authored byTessa Lambri, Tom JacksonTom Jackson, Louise Cooke
This paper discusses the various challenges and complexities involved in evaluating the benefits of an information system – the Police National Database. The paper begins by outlining background events in UK policing which lead to the Bichard Inquiry in 2004. The PND is a direct recommendation from the Inquiry, and represents one of the most important developments in recent policing history. The organisational context of implementing the PND is examined to discuss the various business change issues that are apparent, as well as the cultural changes in policing practices. The national methodology for benefits realisation is discussed, and this alluded to the complex context of evaluating evolutionary information systems such as the PND, and the challenges involved in measuring the system’s productivity and performance. Previous research carried out in relation to evaluating information systems, has enabled the development of distinct methodologies, and have assisted in identifying appropriate evaluation metrics for the PND. The paper concludes by summarising the complexities of performance and evaluation in information technology, and how future research planning will determine the development of an appropriate and robust evaluation framework for the PND.
Information Science
LAMBRI, T., JACKSON, T. and COOKE, L., 2011. The challenges and complexities of implementing and evaluating the benefits of an IT system: the UK Police National Database. IN: Dawson, R.J., Ross, M. and Staples, G. (eds). Proceedings of Software Quality Management XIX: Global Quality Issues, 18th-19th April 2011, Loughborough, UK, pp.373-390.
This paper was presented at the Software Quality Management Conference & INSPIRE Conference 2011, engCETL, Loughborough University, UK, 18th-19th April 2011.