The overall aim of this research, located within the critical realist research paradigm, and underpinned by social representation theory, is to evaluate the domestic image impact of hosting the 2014 CG for the city of Glasgow, and
in doing so, determine the extent to which hosting this event represents an appropriate strategy to improve the city’s domestic image.
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Published in
The 24th European Association for Sport Management Conference
KENYON, J.A., BODET, G.S.P. and MACKAY, C., 2016. The image impact of second-order mega-events: a case study of the 2014 Commonwealth Games. IN: The 24th European Association for Sport Management Conference (EASM 2016), Warsaw,Poland, 7-10th Sept.
European Association for Sport Management.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publisher statement
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