posted on 2017-09-28, 10:15authored byRoy Meriton, Krsto Pandza
The capabilities micro-foundation literature has been enjoying “celebrity” status appearing in many
special issues of top ranked journals in recent years. In this paper we seek to add our voice to this
burgeoning field. Traditional theorising in the field seems to have been polarised on the one hand by
utility maximisation of the neoclassical school while on the other by the satisficing principle of bounded
rationality. Of late the conversation has taken on an ontological turn and battle lines drawn between
methodological individualism and methodological collectivism. Both schools of thoughts are variously
illuminating in their own right. However, to the extent that transcending the individualism-collectivism
divide offers a mutually inclusive solution we suggest looking at the problematic from a third perspective.
In this paper we draw on the critical realist ontology to propose a morphogenesis approach to the study
of capabilities and its origins. We argue that the emergent nature of capabilities is sympathetic to
Archer’s notion of analytical dualism. As such we expose organisational capabilities as emergent social
structures existing in a dialectical and reciprocal interplay between the emergent powers of structure,
culture and agency. Defined in terms of patterns of action, we build our argument premised on the
objective pre-existence of capabilities which serve to condition the situational logic of action.
Organisational actors faced with objective situations exercise their own subjective properties to weigh
the opportunity cost of one course of action over another. Actions endorsing the status quo lead to the
reproduction of capabilities (morphostasis) while transformative actions lead to change or dynamic
capabilities (morphogenesis). Given that organisations exist in a continuous flow of action the resulting
morphostasis or morphogenesis constitutes the anterior conditioning forces for the new cycle of
interaction. By maintaining the ontic differentiation between structure and agency the conditions of
action are therefore rendered analytically separable from action itself, so enabling their interplay, as
opposed to their mutual interpenetration, to be explored.
Loughborough University London
Published in
The Society for Strategic Management
MERITON, R.F. and PANDZA, K., 2015. The morphogenesis of organisational capabilities. Presented at: The Strategic Management Society (SMS) 35th International
Annual Conference, 3rd-6th October 2015, Denver, Colorado.
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