Galvanic skin conductance (GSC) increases prior to sweat reaching the skin surface [1], indicating
pre-secretory sweat gland activity. Sweat travels through the duct and penetrates the stratum
corneum (SC) causing epidermal hydration (HYD). Boucsein [2] claimed that SC hydrates first
before sweat is released onto the skin surface. GSC is influenced by sweat within the glands, HYD
and sweat on the skin surface [3]. The aim of this experiment is to determine the extent to which
these contribute to the value of GSC.
GERRETT, N., GRIGGS, K. and HAVENITH, G., 2013. The production of sweat as measured by galvanic skin conductance, epidermal hydration and regional sweat rate. IN: Cotter, J.D., Lucas, S.J.E. and Mundel, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics, Queenstown, New Zealand, 11-15 February 2013, p. 222.