posted on 2019-01-28, 09:44authored bySharon Wagg, Louise Cooke, Boyka Simeonova
This review explores the role of digital inclusion in women’s health and well-being in
rural communities. This involves reviewing existing research that focuses on the information
experiences of women, specifically those who were digitally excluded or limited users of the
Internet, who have benefitted from the support of digital inclusion initiatives and technology.
There is a global gender digital divide where more women than men often lack access to
information and digital skills, particularly in rural areas. Digital inclusion initiatives are
attempting to close this divide and to enable women to make informed decisions about their
health and well-being and their families. The review also identifies that digital inclusion is a
complex situation of enquiry; there is limited, fragmented research where the concepts of
information literacy and digital inclusion have been brought together; and significant tensions
and contradictions exist within digital inclusion practice. The review also highlights the
opportunity for further research and theory development.
Business and Economics
Published in
Ways of Being in a Digital Age conference
WAGG, S., COOKE, L. and SIMEONOVA, B., 2017. The role of digital inclusion on women’s health and well-being in rural communities: a literature review. Presented at the Ways of Being in a Digital Age- A Review Conference, University of Liverpool, 10-11th October.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
Publisher statement
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