In order to improve retention on Level 1 Open University mathematics, we are
piloting short interactive internet quizzes. The OU package “Open Mark” is
used, enabling students to receive instant feedback, where as previously they
had to wait days or weeks. Students are allowed several attempts at each
question, with appropriate teaching feedback after each attempt. At the end of
each quiz, alongside the mark, relevant study advice is given to the student,
including references to appropriate course material. Examples will be given.
Administrators can see all student attempts, helping in both modifying
questions and feedback and for informing future initiatives. The quizzes are
being evaluated using video of actual students “thinking aloud”, whilst
attempting the quizzes.
User feedback on the pilot quizzes suggests that they are enjoyable as well
as helpful to student learning.
Authoring and programming of quiz questions is time-consuming. However
there is built-in variation, so that questions may appear in different guises for
subsequent users and repeat attempts.
In the future, it is hoped to link the quiz feedback directly to pdf files of course
materials and make these available together with the related quizzes on the
OU’s “Open Content” web-site.
University Academic and Administrative Support
Professional Development
Research Unit
CAA Conference
ELKINS, J., 2007. The use of interactive on-line formative quizzes in mathematics. IN: Khandia, F. (ed.). 11th CAA International Computer Assisted Conference: Proceedings of the Conference on 10th & 11th July 2007 at Loughborough University, Loughborough, pp. 163-175.