Loughborough University
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Thermal and electrical modelling of polymer cored BGA interconnects

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conference contribution
posted on 2009-02-11, 16:08 authored by David Whalley, H. Kristiansen, F. Guillen Marin
Polymer cored BGA/CSP balls have been proposed as a more reliable alternative to solid solder balls for demanding application environments. Their potential advantages are dependant on their increased compliance compared with a solid solder ball, thereby reducing the level of stress imposed on the solder joints during exposure to cyclic thermal loads and impacts. The latter is of particular importance for hand held products assembled using lead free solders, which are much more brittle than traditional tin-lead alloys, but this may also be important for harsh environment applications where tinlead solders are still being used, such as in aerospace and defence electronics applications. The increased compliance of a polymer cored ball may reduce the requirement for underfilling of components in hand held products, and allow adoption of BGA/CSP for safety critical applications in harsh environments. Such polymer cored interconnects are however likely to provide a reduced thermal and electrical conductivity and it is important to ensure any such effects do not impact upon the thermal and electrical performance of the product. This paper utilises analytical and computational modelling techniques to achieve an understanding of the effect of conductor particle geometry and properties on thermal and electrical performance. Such models offer a route to appropriate materials selection for the polymer spheres and their conductive coatings, and for establishing optimum design parameters such as ball diameter, conductive coating thickness, solder pad diameter, and solder volumes. The results confirm that the introduction of polymer cored BGA balls will result in some increases in thermal and electrical resistance, but that these changes will have minor impacts on the overall performance of products.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering


WHALLEY, D.C., KRISTIANSEN, H. and MARIN, F.Guillen, 2008. Thermal and electrical modelling of polymer cored BGA interconnects. IN: Proceedings, 2nd IEEE Electronics Systemintegration Technology Conference, Greenwich, 1-4 Sept. 2008, pp. 1009 - 1016




  • VoR (Version of Record)

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