Control theory has seldom been used as an analytical tool in pedagogical research for modeling, analyzing or designing effective educational processes, despite its proven benefits in other social sciences, especially economics and finance. In this paper, we use the elements of open-loop and closed-loop feedback systems for evaluating two modes of teaching and lecturing. The first is the open-loop lecturing mode, which still dominates in many European universities, whereas the second is the so-called closed-loop lecturing with feedback and reflection. We provide mathematical models for both modes and apply control engineering techniques and tools to analyze the properties of the two lecturing modes. It is shown that the learning and information retention dynamics differs considerably between the two modes. Furthermore, we show how the closed-loop lecturing mode supersedes the open-loop lecturing mode. The simulation results demonstrate that with lecturing improved higher educational performance requires continuous feedback and reflection.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
ABDULWAHED, M., NAGY, Z.K. and BLANCHARD, R., 2008. Using feedback control engineering for analyzing and designing an effective lecturing model. IN: Proceedings, 38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. FIE 2008, Saratoga Springs, New York, 22-25 October 2008, pp. F1C-1-F1C-6