The market for Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology (RT/AT) products is expanding. Between ten and seventeen percent of the population of European Union are documented as disabled. Many companies perceive the market to be to fragmented to invest in large batch or flow production methods...
Published in
Proceedings of the 13th Irish Manufacturing Committee
Proceedings of the 13th Irish Manufacturing Committee
797 - 804
TORRENS, G. ... et al, 1996. Using modularity to produce more competitive assistive technology products. IN: Hillery, M.T. (ed.). IMC-13: Re-engineering for World Class Manufacturing. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Irish Manufacturing Committee, 4th - 6th September 1996, University of Limerick. Limerick: Faculty of Engineering, Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick, pp. 797 - 804
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Manufacturing and Operations Engineering, University of Limerick
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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