This research is investigating the potential role of online social network based life simulation computer
games as a persuasive tool for encouraging users to reduce their domestic energy consumption. Games
such as ‘Farmville’ which runs on the Facebook platform have attracted millions of users worldwide
who create simple virtual worlds where they interact with others and carry out everyday activities to
earn tokens to spend within the game. Applying a User Centred Design (UCD) and in particular
persona based design approach, this research is investigating why users find these games so enticing,
the characteristics of those who play them, and the context in which they are played. Through an
iterative UCD process, a life simulation game will be designed with users who represent a number of
key ‘gamer personas’ in order to research how this sort of game could be used to encourage domestic
energy saving behaviours.
OLIVEIRA, L.C.R., MITCHELL, V. and BADNI, K., 2010. Using social network games to reduce energy consumption. IN: Persuasive 2010 Doctoral Consortium, 5th International Conference on Persuasive Technology ‘Design for Change'. Copenhagen, Denmark, 7th-9th June, pp. 1-8.
IVA (Royal School of Library and Information Science)