Loughborough University

Using the role matrix technique to identify organisational changes: a practical study within London Underground escalators maintenance service

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conference contribution
posted on 2015-10-26, 12:20 authored by Luminita Ciocoiu, Carys Siemieniuch, Ella-Mae HubbardElla-Mae Hubbard
Increasing financial and service demand pressures drives the London Underground maintenance business to shift its focus from reactive to proactive maintenance. Part of the strategy is to enhance the current condition monitoring capability through the introduction of intelligent remote condition monitoring systems that could provide advisory information regarding the optimum time to undertake maintenance interventions. In this paper we present a case study that utilizes the Role Matrix Technique to identify the organisational challenges associated with the implementation of a health and prognostic assessment system, which uses remote condition monitoring data, within the London Underground escalator maintenance service.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering

Published in

First IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering


CIOCOIU, L., SIEMIENIUCH, C.E. and HUBBARD, E.-M., 2015. Using the role matrix technique to identify organisational changes: A practical study within London Underground escalators maintenance service. IN: First IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering, Rome, Sept. 28-30, pp. 375-380.




  • AM (Accepted Manuscript)

Publisher statement

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