Whilst most teams understand that delivering value is the key goal of a project or
business, many do not have structured ways to make explicit and measure aspects of
value that go beyond functionality and cost. The aim of this paper is to present Value
in Design (VALiD), a new approach to help project teams identify and maintain a
value delivery culture. A value framework is outlined that could help stakeholders
articulate, in a structured way, their values and judgements of value by consistently
stimulating their discussions during project activities to express and agree stakeholder
priorities and expectations. Ultimately it is hoped that project teams will critically
appraise their own approaches to determine whether they are successfully integrating
stakeholder values and value in their design delivery processes. VALiD (see
www.valueindesign.com), has been developed by Loughborough University and
adopted by Constructing Excellence in the UK as an approach to move away from a
short term cost focus to a broader stakeholder view. It equips construction teams with
a cultural toolkit, that can be customised and integrated with other methods that
address more objective time, cost and quality criteria, to enable them to better
understand stakeholders’ value judgements as they are framed by values and beliefs.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
MILLS, G.R., AUSTIN, S.A. and THOMSON, D.S., 2006. Values and value - two perspectives on understanding stakeholders. IN: The Joint International Conference on Construction Culture, Innovation and Management, CCIM 2006, The British University in Dubai, Dubai, UAE, November 2006, pp.267-278