Radio frequency (rf) plasmas operated at atmospheric pressure have
received great attention in recent years for their potential use in many
scientific and industrial applications. The optical emission profile of these
atmospheric pressure rf discharges typically presents two bright layers, one
above each of the electrodes. Although in the low-pressure regime bright
layers near the electrodes are typically associated with the so-called
gamma mode, these layers are observed in the alpha mode at atmospheric
pressure and only after a significant increase in current, the transition into
the gamma mode takes place. In the gamma mode, the bright layers are
found to light up in an alternating fashion, corresponding to the excitation
of radiative states by avalanches across the sheaths. On the other hand, in
the alpha mode, the bright layers light up simultaneously mostly as a result
of the acceleration of bulk electrons in the expanding and retreating sheathbulk
This work was supported by the UK Engineering Physical Science Research Council.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
The 9th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (JSPP2014)
Tue. 21. Jan @ 15:15 - ? (2)
IZA, F., 2014. Water in atmospheric-pressure helium rf plasmas. Presented at: The 9th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processing (JSPP2014) and EU COST MP1101 Workshop on Atmospheric Plasma Processes and Sources, 19th-23rd January 2014, Bohinjska Bistrica, Slovenia.
AM (Accepted Manuscript)
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