posted on 2018-02-12, 15:10authored byThoko A. Kaitane
In the recent past, efficient and effective delivery of water has been so erratic in Blantyre with frequent water disruptions resulting into prolonged rationing. As a result of poor service delivery from the public utility, the Government of Malawi through Blantyre Water Board (BWB) entered into a Service Contract (SC) agreement with Vitens-Evides International (VEI) of Netherlands. Results of the Service Contract have revealed mixed fortunes for Blantyre Water Board. It has been observed that the SC if well managed can be a good vehicle for both individual capacity building as well as Institutional strengthening. The SC has also shown satisfaction in terms of improving access to safe water for the Low Income Areas (LIAs) of Blantyre. Through the SC, it was also observed that there was slight improvement on Non-Revenue Water (NRW) even though the KPI was far from being attained. On a different note, it has been seen that the SC failed to adhere to contractual obligations as stipulated in the contract. It has been observed that failure to adhere to contractual obligations can be a recipe for disagreements in any partnership.
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering
Research Unit
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
Published in
WEDC Conference
KAITANE, T.A., 2015. Water operators partnerships: a tool for capacity building and institutional strengthening, Blantyre, Malawi. IN: Shaw, R.J. (ed). Water, sanitation and hygiene services beyond 2015 - Improving access and sustainability: Proceedings of the 38th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough, UK, 27-31 July 2015, 5pp.
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