What is it to navigate or to be navigated? How, and
through what, is information communicated to us? Do
our interactions with space need to be limited to when
we are moving through it? This paper describes a
collection of design concepts generated as part of the
initial stages of a research project that combines a
critical design mindset and research through design
process to explore these types of questions. The project
seeks to problematise and diversify the discussion and
understanding around pedestrian navigation, wearable
technology, crowdsourcing and human data interaction.
The goal is to develop one of the concepts using
research through design as part of PhD research
studies, leading to possible future applications.
The research is being conducted with the funding and
support of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in
Embedded Intelligence (under grant reference
EP/L014998/1), Loughborough University and Ordnance
Computer Science
Published in
Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2019
LEE-SMITH, M., 2019. What can we expect from navigating? Exploring navigation, wearables and data through critical design concepts. Presented at the Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) Conference 2019, San Diego, June 23-28, 2019. New York: ACM, pp. 237-244.