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Wheel-rail profile real-time estimation techniques and challenges

conference contribution
posted on 2010-09-22, 15:08 authored by Christopher Ward, Roger Goodall, Roger Dixon
Increased railway patronage worldwide is putting pressure on rolling stock and infrastructure to operate at higher capacity and with improved punctuality. Condition monitoring is seen as a contributing factor in enabling this and is highlighted here in the context of rolling stock being procured with high capacity data buses, multiple sensors and centralised control. This therefore leaves scope for advanced computational diagnostic concepts. The rail vehicle bogie and associated wheelsets are one of the largest and most costly areas of maintenance on rolling stock and a potential method is presented here for real time estimation of wheel-rail contact wear to move this currently schedule-based assessment to condition-based assessment. This paper discusses several analytical techniques used to capture the wheel-rail geometry characteristics in real time.



  • Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering


WARD, C.P., GOODALL, R.M. and ROGER, D., 2010. Wheel-rail profile real-time estimation techniques and challenges. IN: Zobory, I. (ed.) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, Budapest, Hungary, 13-16 September.


© Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Department of Railway Vehicles and Vehicle System Analysis)


  • NA (Not Applicable or Unknown)

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This conference paper is Closed Access. http://www.railveh.bme.hu/bogie10/eng/confinfo/Bogie-2010-Content.php


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