posted on 2014-09-03, 15:26authored byBenjamin A. Grew, Jake BowersJake Bowers, H.M. Upadhyaya
Zinc oxide-doped indium oxide (IZO) is an amorphous transparent conducting oxide (TCO) exhibiting excellent properties for use in tandem solar cells. Similar to high mobility TCOs, it has a reduced absorption of near IR photons leading to an increased transmission to the bottom cell in a tandem stack. As a result, IZO is a potential replacement of traditional TCOs used as the top contact in the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 cell when used in a tandem solar cell. A monolithically fabricated dye-sensitized|Cu(In,Ga)Se2 tandem solar cell suffers from corrosion of the Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber by the DSC electrolyte. This paper reports the successful use of IZO to reduce the rate of etching compared to AZO of similar thickness, when used to prevent the etching of an Au substrate.
HMU will like to acknowledge the funding support received from EPSRC Excitonic Supergen consortium (Grant Reference- EP/G031088/1), a part of which was utilised towards carrying out this work.
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering
Published in
9th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference
137 - 140 (4)
GREW, B., BOWERS, J.W. and UPADHYAYA, H.M., 2013. Zinc oxide-doped indium oxide (IZO): an amorphous transparent conducting oxide for use in tandem solar cells. In: Hutchins, M., Cole, A. and Watson, T. (eds.). Proceedings of 2013 9th Photovoltaic Science, Applications and Technology Conference (PVSAT-9), Swansea, Great Britain, 10-12 April, pp. 137-140.
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