posted on 2006-05-26, 09:41authored bySophie Brettell, Justin Durham, Steve McHanwell
Traditionally anatomy is taught to dental students in the first one or two years
of their course and not revisited. The problem with separating this basic,
discipline-specific knowledge from that needed for clinical practice is that
students can view anatomy as a mass of facts, learnt for examinations and
then forgotten. Such superficial learning can be partly overcome by using
case-led or problem-solving approaches but the students do not have enough
clinical experience to see these examples as anything more than vignettes.
Therefore a collaborative project between an anatomist, dental surgeon and a
learning technologist was funded by the LTSN-01 to develop six clinically
relevant anatomy tutorials for final year students, running on the university’s
virtual learning environment. Participation was voluntary in the first year of the
project upon which this study is based. The vertical integration of basic and clinical science is one of the important
principles adopted by the General Dental Council in its document that sets out
the framework for dental education in the UK (ref here!). This integration is
also of pedagogical importance as it provides a means to “link theoretical
ideas with practice” (Ramsden, 2003) and thus can contribute to effective
teaching, moving students further up the critical matrix of learning (Light and
Cox, 2001). This issue of integrating factual content with professional practice
throughout a professional programme (ie vertical integration) is faced by many
subject areas, for example Law, Speech and Language Sciences and
Medicine, and so it is hoped that the results of this initial study will be of
interest to those beyond Dentistry.
University Academic and Administrative Support
Professional Development
Research Unit
CAA Conference
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BRETTELL, DURHAM and McHANWELL, 2005. “Well Nobody Reads Learning Outcomes Do They?” – An Evaluation of CAA and its Feedback on Directed Student Learning IN: Proceedings of the 9th CAA Conference, Loughborough: Loughborough University