This data set contains line scan data acquired from a micro epsilon laser scanner, under default settings, that is mounted to an industrial robot arm. The robot is a Fanuc LR Mate 200 iC industrial robot arm, driven by a R-30/iA Mate controller. The scanner is a Micro Epsilon 3D profile sensor (sensor model: Epsilon scan control 2900-50).
To acquire the data the laser scanner is positioned relative to a flat target plate, and laser scans are collected by using the robot to position the laser scanner at a range of poses relative to the plate. The data set also includes a definition of the pose of the robot tool center point. The data can be used to investigate strategies for robot hand-eye calibration of laser scanners using only data collected from flat target surfaces.
EPSRC: EP/L01498X/1
EPSRC Fellowship in Manufacturing: Collaborative Metrology Systems for High Value Manufacturing
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council