Data associated with the manuscript "Rigorous Large-Scale Educational RCTs are Often Uninformative: Should We Be Concerned?"
Data associated with the manuscript "Rigorous Large-Scale Educational RCTs are Often Uninformative: Should We Be Concerned?"
This file should be read in conjunction with the Supplemental Materials, available at:
The data are in a one-row-per-outcome format.
Funder: EEF/NCEE
Year: year the RCT was published
Type: type of RCT (as categorised by the EEF)
Level: school level of participants in the RCT
Topic: domain of outcome measure
ES: effect size found
CI_Low: lower end of the 95% CI around the ES
CI_Up: upper end of the 95% CI around the ES
CI_Width: width of the 95% CI around the ES
SED: SE of the ES
pvalue: p value associated with the ES
Sig: 1 if p<.05, 0 otherwise
MDES: minimum detectable effect size for the RCT
Strength: EEF padlock code
CostRCT: cost of the RCT, as reported by the EEF
CostPupil: cost per pupil of the intervention, as reported by the EEF
RandomRank: one randomly chosen outcome per trial
MaxRank: one outcome per trial, based on the highest effect size
OutcomeRank: the outcomes per trial as ordered in the report
Power: the power of the trial (see paper)
- Science
- Mathematics Education Centre