posted on 2020-11-06, 15:55authored byChristos Pallikarakis, Jonathan Huntley, Pablo RuizPablo Ruiz
Phase1: Data required to demonstrate frequency down-shift i.e. fig3 and fig4. Target fixed at 825 mm from BSR and all eight bit configurations manually scanned. Data size corresponds corresponds to 10 nm scan with only ~ 1nm processed. Choose date length = 8364 and start at index 235,000.
Phase2a: Data required to demonstrate effect of a low-pass-filter i.e. fig5a and fig5b. Target fixed at arbitrary point within meas. volume and all eight bit configurations scanned manually. Choose data length = 8364 and start index 95000.
Phase2b: Calibration data for frequency to distance conversion i.e. fig6a. ADL fixed at 001 bit configuration and Renishaw XL80 running synchronously with target loc1 corresponding to 825 mm away from BSR and then moved in steps of 100 mm.
Phase3: Data required to demonstrate absolute distance measurement relative to a datum with proposed FSI/ADL setup and compare performance with the Renishaw XL-80 i.e. fig6b (not the red line). Target moved at eight different positions with a step of ~100mm while Renishaw XL-80 records. The datum (BSR) was set at ~845mm. At each position the three closest to the corresponding zero-OPD surface bit configurations were recorded and their corresponding frequencies estimated using the non-integer peak detection algorithm.
Renishaw_XL80: contains data for calibration stage (Phase2b) and performance comparison (Phase3) required for fig6a and fig6b.
Future Advanced Metrology Hub
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council