Loughborough University

Man-In-the-Middle, De-authentication and Rogue AP Attacks in 802.11 networks

posted on 2017-03-21, 09:05 authored by Kostas KyriakopoulosKostas Kyriakopoulos, Francisco Aparicio-Navarro

We would like to share the log files (pcap file, collected with airodump-ng) of experiments conducted within the Networks team of the Signal Processing and Networks research group at Loughborough University. The experiments involve a wireless client associated to an AP and an attacker launching injection attacks (see more details below). The purpose of the experiments is to test our multi-layer fusion ideas for detection of injection type of attacks. We decided to share the data with the research community in an effort to help others test whether their ideas/algorithms can detect the malicious frames and as a platform for comparing results. Three main types of attacks have been launched using publicly available tools:

    1) Man-In-The-Middle at the Physical Layer attack - using Airpwn tool
    2) De-authentication Attack Using Aircrack-ng
    3) Rogue Access Point (AP) attack

See attached description PDF file for further details.


British Council: UK-Gulf Institutional Link grant IL 279339985

Cross Layer Techniques for Intrusion Tolerant Networks

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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