This dataset contains supplementary information to Roberts et al. (2019). Predictions of summertime overheating: Comparison of dynamic thermal models and measurements in synthetically occupied test houses. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology. 40 (4), 512-552.
This dataset comprises:
- File: "GuidanceforModellers_v1.pdf" - full guidance on how to model the Loughborough University Matched Pair test houses.
- File: "MeasuredTemperature_16Jun-6Jul_2017.xlsx" - hourly averaged measured operative temperature data for the period of 16 June to 6 July 2017 in the two test houses.
- File: "Weather_16Jun-6Jul_2017.xlsx" - weather data measured at the test houses and at the University SABCE weather station for the period 16 June to 6 July 2017.
- Folder: "" - .pdf/.dwg/.dxf files to help you model the test houses.
Please send all questions and suggestions to Ben Roberts (
The reference below links directly to the Roberts et al. (2019) paper in which this data was used.
EPSRC: EP/L01517X/1
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy Demand (LoLo)
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council