Loughborough University

REFIT Smart Home dataset

posted on 2017-06-20, 10:53 authored by Steven FirthSteven Firth, Tom Kane, Vanda Dimitriou, Tarek HassanTarek Hassan, Farid Fouchal, Michael Coleman, Lynda Webb

This dataset is maintained by Steven Firth (s.k.firth@lboro.ac.uk), Building Energy Research Group (BERG), School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University.

The REFIT project (www.refitsmarthomes.org) carried out a study from 2013 to 2015 in which 20 UK homes were upgraded to Smart Homes through the installation of devices including Smart Meters, programmable thermostats, programmable radiator valves, motion sensors, door sensors and window sensors.

Data was collected using building surveys, sensor placements and household interviews.

The REFIT Smart Home dataset is one of the datasets made publically available by the project. This dataset includes:

- Building survey data for the 20 homes.

- Sensor measurements made before the Smart Home equipment was installed.

- Sensor measurements made after the Smart Home equipment was installed.

- Climate data recorded at a nearby weather station.

This work has been carried out as part of the REFIT project (‘Personalised Retrofit Decision Support Tools for UK Homes using Smart Home Technology’, Grant Reference EP/K002457/1). REFIT is a consortium of three universities - Loughborough, Strathclyde and East Anglia - and ten industry stakeholders funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under the Transforming Energy Demand in Buildings through Digital Innovation (BuildTEDDI) funding programme. For more information see: www.epsrc.ac.uk and www.refitsmarthomes.org

The references below provide links to the REFIT project website, the TEDDINET website, a journal article which uses the dataset, and three additional datasets collected as part of the REFIT project by the University of Strathclyde and the University of East Anglia.


REFIT: Personalised Retrofit Decision Support Tools for UK Homes using Smart Home Technology

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

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  • Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering