Research Data for "Solvent-mediated rate deceleration of Diels-Alder reactions for enhanced selectivity: quantum mechanical insights"
Research Data for "Solvent-mediated rate deceleration of Diels-Alder reactions for enhanced selectivity: quantum mechanical insights" by U. Rehman, A. Mansha, and F. Plasser.
Contents (folders and files are given in bold)
Data for products, reactants and transition states is present in the folders named as Products, Reactants and TSs. These contain subfolders for the structures as defined within the main article.
Each subfolder contains further subfolders:
sp: Single point energy calculations for respective structure
opt: Geometry optimization calculations for respective structure
In addition to sp and opt 1, 2a and 2d also contain:
nbo: Single point energy calculation with natural bonds orbitals analysis
Files in sp and opt folders are:
acetone.gjf: Gaussian input file for respective structure in acetone
acetone.log: Gaussian output file for respective structure in acetone
gas.gjf: Gaussian input file for respective structure in gas phase
gas.log: Gaussian output file for respective structure in gas phase
toluene.gjf: Gaussian input file for respective structure in toluene
toluene.log: Gaussian output file for respective structure in toluene
Files in nbo folders are:
gas_0.gjf: Gaussian input file for respective structure with zero charge in gas phase
gas_0.LOG: Gaussian output file for respective structure with zero charge in gas phase
gas_+1.gjf: Gaussian input file for respective structure with +1 charge in gas phase
gas_+1.LOG: Gaussian output file for respective structure with +1 charge in gas phase
gas_-1.gjf: Gaussian input file for respective structure with -1 charge in gas phase
gas_-1.LOG: Gaussian output file for respective structure with -1 charge in gas phase
- Science
- Chemistry