Loughborough University

Research Data for "The role of excited-state character, structural relaxation, and symmetry breaking in enabling delayed fluorescence activity in push-pull chromophores"

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Version 2 2021-11-16, 13:52
Version 1 2021-08-20, 10:05
posted on 2021-11-16, 13:52 authored by Felix PlasserFelix Plasser, Patrick Kimber
Research data underlying the manuscript "The role of excited-state character, structural relaxation, and symmetry breaking in enabling delayed fluorescence activity in push-pull chromophores" by P. Kimber, P. Goddard, I. A. Wright, and F. Plasser.

Content (names of folders and files are given in bold face)

Computations were performed on Cz-AQ (AQ), Cz-BDT BDT), Cz-BDF (BDF), Cz-BDT-SO2 (BDT-SO2) as defined in the text.

These folders contain subfolders for:
- OPT.wB97X-V: Geometry optimisation at the wB97X-V level using Ci and C2 symmetry
- VEX: Vertical excitations in gas phase using the methods described in the text
- EX_OPT_wPBEh: Optimisation of excited state minima in solution using LR-PCM including vertical excitations (VEX) at the optimised geometries
- state-specific-solvation: ptSS, SS-PCM, and UKS/PCM single point jobs as defined in the text

The folders contain the following files
- coord.qcin: Input geometry for Q-Chem
- final.xyz: Final geometry after geometry optimisation
- qchem.in: Input file for Q-Chem
- qchem.out: Output file for Q-Chem



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